Discussion Starters

Thursday, May 28, 2009

1. In the story, Isaac's greatest hope was going to Jerusalem. What is your "Jerusalem"? What is something you are yearning to experience or do?

2. Was it foolish for Zachariah to have hope? Where does hope come from? Is it something you can decide to have, or practice...?

3. Zachariah suggested Isaac treasure the day as a jewel; a precious memory. What are some of your treasured moments?

4. What do you think about how Mary was portrayed? Is it consistent with your picture of her? Did it narrow or broaden your idea of her?

5. The authors draw a comparison between the shepherd boy, Caleb becoming the gate for his sheep, and Jesus' statement, "I am the good shepherd. No one enters the sheepfold except through me." What does this mean to you?

6. Father's comments about the Roman soldier, Cassius, drove Jediah to find Cassius on his own. Was this dilemma the product of Father's comments or Jediah's character?

7. What do you think about the people of the time? Do you think there were bystanders who actually realized the Messiah was born in Bethlehem? Did it affect their lives? What impact, if any, did this have on their everyday lives?

8. In the story, Joseph experienced frustration and disappointment when they were turned away by family in Bethlehem. Do you think this was a realistic portrayal of his reaction?

9. What kind of man do you think Jediah will grow up to be? What about Isaac? In a fiction, a journey usually symbolizes a type of self-discovery; at the end of the story the characters come to learn something about themselves. Do either of the boys come to greater self-awareness by the end of their journey?

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